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Old 11-22-2005, 11:28 AM   #58
Icy Queen
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Southeast Alaska
Posts: 700
He's not exactly a CSI guy - that's a crime scene tech, which is different. He's a generalist, so for the most part he reviews cases and reconstructs the crime, then identifies what areas or items need further review by specialists.
Basically he's the cleanup guy. He gets called in when a case is so messed up or out of control that they need someone to come in and tell them which way to go.
He does the same thing at home...... it's a bit annoying at times!

He can live anywhere he wants!
There is an advantage to living on a remote island when you are working on unsolved cases involving violent crime.
When he was living in California he had a hard time sleeping!

We certainly have some interesting dinner conversations at our house
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