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Old 11-30-2005, 12:10 AM   #86
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8
that is because, unlike most americans, education is more important to me that what's on TV. you see, most people in this country are patriotic because they can't form their own opinion, and their personalities derive from someone they see on TV that leaves an impression on them (eg. chris rock, backdoor fags, brittany spears, etc.). ppl in this country are fake. example: most of the christian population in this world exists in the USA because here, ppl are to stupid and slow to realize or even care why they chose christianity. most ppl do it cuz their family or friends are christian and they want to fit in. FORM YOUR OWN GOD DAMN OPINION! THAT IS WHY BOY BANDS BECAME SO POPULAR AGAIN! because anything that MTV says is cool, most teenagers will think it's cool. just like what ppl hear on the news, they take it as fact. don't you idiots know that the news is fake? it's ran and regulated by the government, along with all media. the tv is the way the government brainwashes. oh, and voting doesn't matter, either. the illuminati chooses who the next leader is going to be. most americans are followers and sheep. their shepard is the TV. i am a leader in my own mind. i make my own decisions and form my own opinions. most of your minds and opinions are formed by TV. it's just an easier way for you simple minded robot pawns of the USA and Illuminati.
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