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Old 12-12-2005, 02:40 PM   #28
May Ter Dee
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 26
Originally Posted by Elspode
You make an interesting observation, Hemlock. There are people who do seem to figure out a way to love and hold special more than one person, but it is damn difficult.

Does/did your wife claim to love both you and the object of the affair?
In the last few weeks she has said she loves us both....she has also said she does not know how she feels about him...I think she may be trying to not hurt my feelings by lying to me. But she is very confused wither way.

She has also said she is "in love" with him, and not "in love" with me. I read that as saying she does not like being around me lately, but she enjoys being around him. Well, I have been a jerk wife did have an affair. I see him as someone who says "yes" to whatever she says, but I question more - because of teh relationship we have. Perhaps I have questioned too much.

Either way, she is still my best friend - and I am hers. I just hope we can make it more than that again.
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