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Old 12-19-2005, 06:40 PM   #1
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'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Holiday'

Americans can be sued for changing the expression "Merry Christmas" to "Happy Holidays". Right wing christian extremists insist this is necessary to protect us from those who would subvert Christ and Christmas.

And then we ask those extremists questions such as Why? Why do we call them Holidays? Because the only days off work were "Holy Days". Where did the word Holiday come from? From what they were - the Holy Days.

But knowing facts - the underlying reasons why - is unnecessary for extremist Christians. As scam artists know, extremist Christians are some of the easiest to take. They will believe most everything they are told. So they are told to protect "Merry Christmas" from the scandelous expression "Happy Holy Days".

Extremists blindly impose their religous beliefs on others as instructed. Since no one told them what Happy Holidays means, then denial mode is next.

Happy Holidays - a slap in the face of those who just know rather than first ask why the expression is so wrong.

This post belongs in the Politics section because religion is being imposed on others only for political reasons.
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