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Old 06-22-2001, 01:45 PM   #7
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Re: GM

Originally posted by jaguar
GM is different form any other form of plant or product modification because it modifies the plant at a fundamental level, ...

Second point is that while most mistakes, such as spraying poisons can be easily stopped GM modifications of crops are far harder, and there is some proof that it can 'jump' to wild species, super weeds are born.

There is also the issue of control, with Monsanto's patenting of a 'terminator' gene that stop another generation, it forces farmers to buy grain every year, making them totally reliant and chained to these companies to keep their yields.
These are the half truths currently used to hype the masses. Point one alone is a classic example of logic only based upon fear. We have everything to fear from fear itself - because the technology is so revolutionary?

As noted previously, seeds from crops degenerate quickly even in the second generation. Hybrids lose their potency. Insect resistance crops lose their genetic advantage in the second generation. Farmers always purchase seeds from the seed providers because even with older gentic crops - the second generation loses genetic information. The second generation of a genetically modified crop loses to much of its unique abilities - which is why those genetic variations don't already exist naturally.

But if we use hype, then we claim this is a ploy to force farmers to always buy Monstanto seed - forgetting that farmers must purchase seed anyway to get the positive effects of current hybrids. It is a classic example of lying by half truths. For example that farmers will be forced to buy commercial seed - forgetting they already have to do just that.

Then there is the 'jumping' to other species - a caution expressed inside the industry but never seen in any genetic research. Yes- microwaves do kill - so why are they now so ubiquitious? Just another hype and fear from half truths that never happened.

We must not use electricity because magnetic fields will create cancer. IOW we must not ever risk innovation? So far, I only read half truth based fears (none supported by factual evidence - only speculation) as reason to eliminate innovation - especially point one. Fears of electricity were as widely touted in the 1910s. Its just that every 30+ years, a whole new crop of humans has to fear rather than think all over again.

Why are we all not dead of aids as so strongly predicted in the mid 1980s by statistical evidence? Why have giant ants not taken over the world having been created by radioactivity? There was good reason to question them both. BUT when the fears are hyped by gross half truths, then reasonable worries are simply lost in the noise and nonsense. There are some parts of GM to be concerned about. But none is accurately posted above. Therefore the real concerns about GM remain ignored.

People were so busy campaigning against the technology called nuclear power with hype and fear that they forgot to address the real issues of nuclear power. Ergo 3 Mile Island and a management that knew nothing about nuclear power, electric generation, reliability, or the fundamentals of quality. They only understood buisness school concepts. So much hype was addressed against the technology that the 'purveyors of fear' forgot to look at the real threat created by nuclear power - cost control mentalities.

It is rarely the technology that is the danger. The danger, such as Bhopal, India was not the chemical methyl isocyanate. Those who promote fear would ban methyl isocyanate and other similar chemicals - eliminate the necessary pesticides. Therefore they have again failed to identify the reason for failure - the same reason why seven astronauts were murdered on Challenger.

Ironically, I don't hear the same half truths being expressed about Space Shuttles even though the same problems were common to both murders. That is the problem with hype generated fear. It is so full of half truths as to cause the real problems to be ignored.

The above fears of GM crops are full of half truths - just enough to create fear and grossly insufficient to learn facts. The topmost reasoning is exactly why I kringe everytime I see someone only read the Daily News or watch Liza Thomas Laurie and the local gossip. Too much half truths create nothing but lies.

[Edited by tw on 06-22-2001 at 02:47 PM]
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