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Old 01-01-2006, 01:07 PM   #6
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla

A mushroom cloud over your city should be about your least favorite prospect. How many people would you kill to stop it?

Any war, of any size and of any description, against any tyranny, is inherently moral. Transcendentally so. Some of you reading this, not understanding tyranny, seem not to believe that. The American Presidency is not a tyranny, thanks to even the power of the Leader Of The Free World being limited both in scope and in time.
I see the public library seems to have given you your internet privileges back, UG.

As to your question, I dunno know. How many people would the mushroom cloud kill vs. how many would need to be killed to prevent it? Maybe the people responsible for the mushroom cloud are laboring under the delusion that their cloud is moral because it will kill tyrants.

Please define "morality."

Please define "tyranny."

Please explain why the only way mushroom clouds can be prevented is through the killing of other human beings.

Please explain why "them" should understand that WE are right and THEY are stupid (and tyrants).

Please explain just what constitutes "the free world." Many of our allies strongly object to some of the US's more egregious actions. Much good these objections do our allies.

Please, for once, I DARE you, stop painting global politics in the black and white hues of an old John Wayne Western.

Ever read "Bad Day at Black Rock"?

Probably not.

Last edited by marichiko; 01-01-2006 at 01:10 PM.
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