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Old 01-01-2006, 10:49 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla
The American Presidency is not a tyranny, thanks to even the power of the Leader Of The Free World being limited both in scope and in time.
What president unilaterally launched war for same reasons that Tojo did in Dec 1941? What president outrightly lied about so many deaths in New Orleans? What administration almost got us in a shooting war over a silly spy plane? What administration included people who advocated war even with Russia, India, and Germany? And what president literally ignored PDBs that warned of an attack on US soil (and 3000 deaths); literally quashed multiple federal investigations that would have averted those attacks? And then what president would 'solve' these problems with more bureaucracy? What president would promote and justify torture?

And what president would justify domestic spying? Well, names like Nixon come to mind. What other president would be so corrupt?

Answers to marichiko's questions also are required.
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