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Old 01-03-2006, 01:23 PM   #11
Complex Simpleton
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Posts: 18
interesting comments

Originally Posted by marichiko
I see the public library seems to have given you your internet privileges back, UG.

As to your question, I dunno know. How many people would the mushroom cloud kill vs. how many would need to be killed to prevent it? Maybe the people responsible for the mushroom cloud are laboring under the delusion that their cloud is moral because it will kill tyrants.

Please define "morality."

Please define "tyranny."

Please explain why the only way mushroom clouds can be prevented is through the killing of other human beings.

Please explain why "them" should understand that WE are right and THEY are stupid (and tyrants).

Please explain just what constitutes "the free world." Many of our allies strongly object to some of the US's more egregious actions. Much good these objections do our allies.

Please, for once, I DARE you, stop painting global politics in the black and white hues of an old John Wayne Western.

Ever read "Bad Day at Black Rock"?

Probably not.
Especially about black and white. My best friend bleeds Republican and I have often thought that he sees the world and its problems in black and white. White meaning Republican and good, black meaning Democrat and evil.
Of course morality and tyranny are defined by whatever Bushco and the neocons say they are at the moment.
I am assuming that if we nuke a city that we will place a force field around it so none of that nasty nuclear fallout drifts into the territory of someplace let's say like China. Oops!

Speaking of China, they will control us and defeat us without firing a shot since they hold so much of our debt and have the ability to collapse our economy.
Nuclear is the only way we could ever beat them because we do not have enough soldiers to throw at them as cannon fire in a conventional war. Or course, once we go nuclear everything is all over anyways. See what China has to say if we try and go into Iran and disrupt their oil supply. Once the world sees us back down to China then our superpower status will take a big hit. Of course King George would welcome the opportunity to declare martial law and do away with the rest of our Constitutional rights. At this moment we are like the frog in hot water who does not realize that the heat is slowly being turned up and he will end up boiling. Then it is too late.
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