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Old 01-04-2006, 10:26 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Griff
1) Sharon (are you calling me a cheat?) (M)
2) W (M)
3) Cheney (N)
4) Blair (S)
5) Putin (M)
6) Clinton, W (M)
7) Clinton, H (M,S)
8) Byrd (not many points but what the heck) (N)
9) Abramoff (M but looks like S)
10) Friedman T. (N)
N=natural causes-choke on words, ham sandwich etc...
Now THAT IS a wish list! Not that I would actually in real life be such a terrible person that I would wish for anyone to die. As a matter of fact, I pray for all of the above people, and many more, as well, that the spirit of Jesus enters their hearts and allows them to see the error of their ways and they find the path to true salvation. You, too, LJ.

Hey, when you live with 400,000 fundie whackos right next door to you, you learn to tell little white lies in order to avoid being smote by Focus on the Family!

K, Bob Dobson aside, here's my picks for the undertaker:

The Queen (of England)
Dick Cheney (that boy don't look good - his ticker is either giving out or Laura is salting his martini's with arsenic)
Geraldo Rivera (he just annoys me)
Jimmy Carter (the good always die young)
Billy Graham (felled by a stray bolt of lightening while out on the golf course)
Homer Simpson (dies in domestic violence incident when Maggie pulls a knife on him)
The Easter Bunny (replaced by a USDA approved spring chick)
Willie Nelson (in shoot-out with Revenuers)
Michael Jackson (just because he SHOULD)
God (of a broken heart)

So, what do I win?
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