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Old 01-05-2006, 11:23 AM   #8
I'm a mental nomad
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Right under your nose
Posts: 78
Wolf, I totally sympathize and wholeheartedly agree with you. I must say though, that your neighbors are amateurs when compared to my neighbors from hell over here in the Philippines. I bet my neighbors will trump yours anytime. The doorknob thing they did to you is a childish prank compared to the human feces that got smeared on our doorknob for months. I have since learned never to open a doorknob without wrapping it in a piece of tissue paper first. The said sick act is always done at night by the cowards. The neighborhood thugs also used my house for target practice by hurling those old 45 rpm records at our rooftop from midnight to 1 AM without fail till we finally had to call for police protection. Long story. I won't bore you with details.

I'm caught between the devil and the deep blue sea over here. I have a fire hazard, noise polluting illegal (read as no business permit) vehicle body repair shop next door run by drug addicts and a female pusher (they claim to be reformed as of the moment) and on the other side, I have my own relatives who will do everything they can to make sure that they destroy anything of mine that they can their hands on. My car has suffered a broken wiper arm, slashed tires, major body scratches and dents while parked inside our gated driveway. My very own cousin just recently mutilated our plants and trees in our flower bed (We had it built much to his chargin as he no longer could no longer openly harass my family) that divides the 2 homes in the compound because he refused to discuss a simple matter of not hanging his dripping wet car rugs over our flower bed grills without permission. The grills had already rusted due his practice. They are next door in our compound and they have their own gate. That doesn't stop them from jumping over anyway. But that's another long convoluted story.

Since the place I live in is just just a few minutes away from the worst part of the city, as in if Slang really wanted to walk the uinbeaten path, I should have given him a tour here, there is no sense in going to the police nor calling the barangay guards. It is just normal occurence to them. The most we always end up doing is filing blotters. Much good that does. At least you have a legal recourse that works if given the proper ammunition
I am not trapped. I am mentally free !!!
My destiny is yet to be

Last edited by Luisa; 01-05-2006 at 11:27 AM. Reason: Too fast on the shift key and a brain that goes faster than my fingers
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