Thread: I'm being sued!
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Old 01-11-2006, 08:44 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Well, this was my experience in Colorado several years back for what its worth. Right when I got sick, my bank account blew up which is another long sad story that I won't go into. However, I paid off my creditors as best as I could at the time, but neglected to take care of a check to Domino's Pizza for $12.00. Domino's came back at me two years down the road with fines, fees, penalties and accessments that morphed the original $12 into something like $200! They took me to court over it, and I filled out a form pleading abject poverty which was a 1000% true. The judge looked the whole thing over, got a really annoyed look on his face, glared at the Domino's representative and threw the entire case out. I never even was required to pay the original $12.00!

As far as I know, new laws or no, the US still doesn't have debtor's prison. As far as I know.
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