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Old 01-13-2006, 10:12 PM   #19
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Manhattan & Philly
Posts: 2
Glowing Pets, Leather, Vegans, Honey & Rationalization

so, after several years of spying on you guys from afar, and forbidding myself to become a member out of fear that i'd never get anything else done, I have finally decided to officially join the family.

just yesterday, i was looking into purchasing some glofish (i do believe there was a IotD with these geneticly altered fish way back when), but given this new scientific breakthrough, i've decided to reconsider my options. additionally, i propose that we collect some of the eggs from the aformentioned fish and have a slightly modified green eggs (caviar) and ham. Though i'm sure if we search hard enough, we may be able to locate some radioactive chicken eggs. Who's with me?!

also, regarding animal activists who don't wear fur...
i have several friends who are vegans (though they're not crazy activists with spraypaint cans and definitely not part of this new sect of animal activism that seems to condone human murder in order to make their point more clear). they do not wear leather or use any products that are tested on animals. they are even wary of most soy cheeses and soy products because many contain casein which is derived from milk. They don't even eat honey because honey is made using bees that stay on the bee farms (or whatever they are) because they stick by their queen. Thus, from what my friends tell me, they clip the wings of the female bees.

Interestingly, it's not always eating animals that's the issue. My friends would probably never eat an animal but they do understand that it's not entirely unreasonable. Mainly, it's today's factory farming that is really horrible. The animals are kept in conditions that are horribly inhumane and there are no laws regarding the treatment of animals used for fur, hide, or food unless it pertains to the effect it will have on human health. If you treated your pets the way these animals are treated, you'd be slapped with a megafine and probably some jail time. I've actually read up on some of this in an ethics class i oncen took, and I do have to agree that the treatment of animals int hese situations is REALLY awful.

However, I say this as i take a bite of my non-free range, non-organic, antibibotic-laden & MIGHT TASTY barbecue CHICKEN sandwich. And i've been boiling a nice red tea with some freshly chopped ginger and as soon as i'm done this sammich, i'm gonna pour some HONEY in, curl up on the sofa, and watch Team American (which I now own! hooray!) all by my lonesome. Apparently, when you have a very bad cold, no one wants to come over and play with you! So, ummm, I need this chicken! and the honey! for...ummmm...psychological well-being!
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