Thread: We lost.
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Old 01-26-2006, 08:13 PM   #115
Posts: n/a
Dov, you are making yourself soul sick over something that you can do nothing about. While you may have a low opinion of the US, imagine what it is to be an American who has a conscience and a sense of justice and cares deeply about her country. At least your hands are relatively clean. Ours are not. I look around me and realize that every other person voted for W. to continue another 4 years of this barbarian war. Many of my fellow Americans STILL think the war in Iraq is justified. You haven't met UG, yet. I'm sure he'll be along shortly and you will NOT be delighted to make his acquaintance. A year or so ago I read a paper written by one of your countrymen who is a Colonel in the Canadian Army and was writing from his position as a delegate to a conference on the international laws of war. This Canadian Colonel made a brilliant argument that the current US administration and the top ranking members of our armed forces would be found guilty if the US was ever forced to go before an international tribunal such as the one at Nuremberg which condemned so many of the German high command to death or life long imprisonment after WWII.

Thank you for saying that I looked happy in the picture in my profile. I WAS happy. I had just spent a week camped in the wilds of southwestern Colorado and hadn't listened to the news on TV or even so much as glanced at a newspaper. I spent my days traveling the back roads with my cat - yes, my cat - and reading the poetry of Mary Oliver and Gary Snyder, and marveling at encounters with great horned owls and night hawks and my very first wild lynx and listening to the coyotes' song at night.

I am acquainted with one of Colorado's state representatives and he told me that after the last legislative session he was so soul sick that he had to retreat to the mountains alone for a month because he was so weary of his fellow members of the legislature and humanity in general.

Maybe you need to do the equivalent. The sorrows of this world are great and our spirits are fragile. Take care of yours.
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