Thread: We lost.
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Old 01-26-2006, 10:30 PM   #119
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by marichiko
A year or so ago I read a paper written by one of your countrymen who is a Colonel in the Canadian Army and was writing from his position as a delegate to a conference on the international laws of war. This Canadian Colonel made a brilliant argument that the current US administration and the top ranking members of our armed forces would be found guilty if the US was ever forced to go before an international tribunal such as the one at Nuremberg which condemned so many of the German high command to death or life long imprisonment after WWII.
In addition, The Hague where Slobodan Milosevic and others accused of war crimes are being tried.
The Hague

Technically, if bush crossed the border, into Canada, I can make a citizens arrest and Canada can try him for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Technically, I said, not practically, but I would love cuffing bush. hahahaha

(Also tease him with a touch of flogging, but I am sure condi is better at it)
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