Thread: Slothfulness
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Old 08-15-2002, 05:21 PM   #14
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally posted by Ra
I'm about the same age as you Sycamore and am feeling the exact same way. Could it be something that people feel when they get around that age? I think its kind of a realization that we're growing up, finally. I mean, you could have the jobs the kids the mortgage but still have that youthful exuberance and feeling that you're going to live forever. And then it sinks in that you're going to grow old and not live forever, and everything's not going to be alright. Maybe, its just me.
Great post Ra...welcome aboard.

Now granted, I think I'm a pretty mature and responsible adult...moreso than many of my twenty-something counterparts. Yet when I think about the fact that I'm "grown up," it depresses me a bit. I dunno...spirit-wise, I still feel 18. And I know that (hopefully) I have a lot of time left on this earth to accomplish my goals. And of course, I'm still incredibly young...I just have less time to conquer the world, so I'm trying to fix that issue.
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