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Old 02-02-2006, 09:31 AM   #4
Your Bartender
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philly Burbs, PA
Posts: 7,651
What the heck kind of message board do you think this is???

Anyway. My fashion sense (or lack thereof) is the despair of all my female relatives, who wish I would just once wear something different. But I'm completely uninterested so I dress for minimum effort consistent with being socially acceptable.

So, I'm wearing the same thing I wear almost every day. Khaki slacks and a button-down shirt. Mrs. Dallas just rolls her eyes at the fact that I own multiple identical pairs of khaki slacks to maintain this wardrobe, but I figure if I find a brand/size combination I like, why go elsewhere?

Variations: t-shirts (always with a pocket for the cell phone) and shorts during the summer when I'm not working. Jeans if I know I'm going to be doing something grungy. Wingtips for work, sneakers otherwise.
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