Thread: I'm filthy
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Old 02-27-2006, 11:36 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Heh! He's Welsh! I once posted a joke he told on another site under the "I need humor" thread. I'll re-post it again as the best introduction I can give him.

Once upon a time the King of England was marching through the Welsh countryside with his soldiers. Suddenly, the King heard a voice calling out from a nearby thicket.

"One Welshman is worth two Englishmen!"

The King snorted and sent two of his best soldiers into the thicket.

A few minutes later the same voice called out, "One Welshman is worth TEN Englishmen!"

Feeling slightly annoyed, the king ordered 10 of his best men into the thicket.

A little later the voice taunted, "One Welshman is worth ONE HUNDRED Englishmen!"

Very angry by now, the King ordered 100 of his finest into the thicket.

Some time later, a single English soldier, dying of his wounds, crawled out of the thicket and gasped, "Your Majesty! Its a trap! They're TWO of them in there!"

The Cellar is honored!

Last edited by marichiko; 02-28-2006 at 01:28 PM.
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