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Old 03-03-2006, 10:07 PM   #739
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 7,661
I got stoped on a bike by a cop with a radar gun ,
Cop yelling "PULL OVER !!!!!"
Me " can I help you officer ??"
Cop " do you know how fast you were going ??
Me " No sir "
Cop " you were doing 45 in a 30 mph zone !!"
Me " WOW!!! 45 !!!! "
Cop " yeh , 45 , now let me see your licence "
Me " Sir , I don't have a licence, thats why I'm on a bike "
Cop " Well I am going to have to give you a ticket ANY WAY !!! "
Me " Uhh , Sir , I don't if that's legal "
Cop " I'll be the judge of that !!!!!!"
so he writes me a ticket , and I ride off shakeing my head .
I get home and show the ticket to me Mother , she laughs and calls the lawyer , He Laughes harder , and askes when the cort apperence is , Mom tells him ,
he says BE THERE .
We show up at the appointed time and place ,
The judge looks at the ticket and laughes !!!
The Cop is there , and the judge asks him to show him just Where in ANY law book it says he has the right to give me a ticket for speeding on a bike !!
He then tares up the ticket and says "Case Dismissed !!!!" SLAM !!!

SO slang it CAN Happen !!!!
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. "
Brother Dave Gardner
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