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Old 03-20-2006, 02:34 PM   #115
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by wolf
Point of technical fact, Michele Malkin is an American. No hyphen.
Are you saying that noone pays any special attention to her comments based on her race? Are we really such a democratic society that we have become truly colorblind and there are no racial or cultural perspectives? Or are you just saying that I shouldn't have placed a hypen there?

IMO, the reality is that there are still Polish Americans, Italian Americans, Jewish Americans, etc. How much these distinctions affect attitudes depend on how insular was the community in which an individual was raised.

My point is that some people give Ms. Malkins words additional weight in issues such as the internment of Americans in the US during WWII because of her race, ignoring the cultural and political bias she may have inherited.
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