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Old 03-29-2006, 04:47 PM   #7
Operations Operative
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Moved from Manhattan to Edgewater, NJ.
Posts: 713
Originally Posted by Mrs. Parker
I have only been in this community for a short period of time and find it to be quite welcoming; however, one must realize that not everyone and their communication habits are going to be the right fit.

I see this place as a thoughtful, intelligent, witty and extremely diverse group of personalities and opinions. What everyone who regularly posts or lurks here seems to share is substance and respect. Bombarding this place with threads -- ala Seinfeld -- about virtually nothing or juvenile retorts may be extremely amusing and acceptable in other places, but it, in my opinion, it is just not the culture of this site. You AG people can, therefore, imagine our reasons for being annoyed. Don't expect that teenagers in a band are going to be happy living in a retirement village, and vice versa. (Of course the retirement village example is in no way meant to label any respective ages.) Also, I'm not judging anyone's level of intelligence or maturity, just pointing out that our interests don't seem to be similar. If the glove don't fit.....
Well, we shall see. I won't insult anyone here and I won't curse or spam. But I may be caught being serious, posting current events, my opinion, jokes, and even some sarcasm. If that gets me banned, so be it. But I won't leave because some don't like my posts. Not everyone is going to like everyone else's posts.

It DOES sound like you are judging maturity levels, if you ask me.
"It's only an internet community."
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