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Old 09-09-2002, 10:27 PM   #22
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Jeffersonville, IN (near Louisville)
Posts: 892
Re: look closer

Originally posted by lsd4all
The point of my submission of this photo is that a man is being attacked by other men for riding his bike. Is this what we have come to?
Sorry you're angry about the debate. You probably shouldn't submit propaganda here if you don't want it scrutinized and picked apart, because that's what we tend to do.

This man is not being attacked for riding his bike. None of us are sure why he's being attacked (if you know him personally, please tell the full story), but if you think police are attacking people just for riding their bikes, you've obviously been taken in by this propaganda as well.

I just read the link to the pictorial on What a bunch of drivel.. "Mr Macho tough guy with his pepper spray, looking for someone to hurt." "The ride resumed, and made it about 8 blocks, before yet another violent incident." What a fucking load of crap. I'm sure this was just a bunch of peaceful cyclists riding along, minding their own business, when an out-of-control police force jumped in and started "cracking some heads".

The people being restrained in some of those photos are actually smiling. Looks like they're having a pretty good time about it to me.
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