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Old 04-08-2006, 11:31 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Flint
"PS Wanna hear my joke, yet?"
@marichiko: Sorry, your joke request got lost in the shuffle. Fire away.
Sorry, your response got lost in the shuffle.

My joke is really quite appropriate in this thread and in light of recent events on the board. Its a humorous take on how a society or a group responds to a large influx of "outsiders."

In recent years the population of Colorado has increased by what seems like several orders of magnitude. Native Coloradoans have been overwhelmed by the surge in population growth and the resulting rise in real estate prices caused by a large influx of Californians and Texans with money to burn. With that background, here's my joke:


A Coloradoan, a Texan, and a Californian were all sitting in a little Colorado bar having a drink together. The Californian finished off his white wine spritzer, and to the astonishment of the other two, threw his wine glass at the wall, shattering the glass into a 100 broken shards. The Californian smirked and announced, "In California, we have so much money, we never drink out of the same wine glass twice."

The Texan, not to be outdone, gulped his shot of Jack Daniels, threw the shot glass at the wall, and said, "In Texas, we have so much sand, we never drink out of the same shot glass twice."

The Coloradoan stared at the Texan and Californian, chugged his can of Coors, crumpled it up, and drew out a gun and shot the Texan and Californian. He announced to the rest of the bar, "In Colorado, we have so many Texans and Californians, we never drink with the same ones twice."


Diversity does not come easy to ANY group!
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