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Old 04-21-2006, 07:07 PM   #5
Cardigan-wearing man
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Much Binding In The Marsh
Posts: 1,082
Liverpool is def out of reach if you only havwe a few hours. Stonehenge is OK , but TBH not a lot to see there....

Brighton and it's Pavillion are an hour or so up the road, and well worth a look.

Poole, an old harbour town, is just down the coast from Bournemouth.

And, of course, you're within striking distance of Southampton, Portsmouth (home to the Royal Navy), Winchester and even the Isle of Wight.

I hope you enjoy your stay in England, as much as you can given the circumstances.
I *like* wearing cardigans...... my current favourite is an orange cable-knit with real leatherette buttons.
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