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Old 04-25-2006, 06:15 PM   #15
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mrnoodle
Let me give this a shot...

I think there is a large group of people who don't "hate" gays but don't want to see homosexuality promoted to children. I don't know if it's just because of bad PR or what, but to many (otherwise bigotry-free) people, gayness is nothing more than a desire to perform unnatural sex acts in as disgusting a manner as possible. This opinion is reinforced when gay pride parades come to town -- what is it that they're proud of? Assless leather pants? Or just their ability to make breeders squirm by dry humping each other on Main Street?

If this isn't what being gay is all about, why is that all we see until a court case comes up? Suddenly, when confronted with a TV reporter, they ditch the leather pants in favor of suits and ties, and the issue becomes, "We just want to love who we choose. What's so wrong with that?"

Totally apart from issues of religion, public decency, marriage, etc. etc., there is a huge disconnect between the way gay people want to be defined and the way they allow their fringe element to define them. Which is it? Freedom to love who you choose, or freedom to blow truckers in rest stops?
Unnatural is not exactly an accurate descriptor... it is completely natural, common to many species across the board, not just mammals.
Promote, is not an accurate description of what is happening either. Education of something that is a fact of life, is.
Will someone please answer my question... I have been studying Christianity for over twenty years and was in Seminary prep for a year in college and have yet to get an answer that is logical... other than a Bishop who said "it is not a sin and it makes not sense to me... in the Middle ages we used to perform same sex marriages. A little known fact." He was a hip dude.
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