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Old 04-26-2006, 01:54 PM   #193
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 76
I wish everyone would list where they live... I would understand some of these opinions a lot more then...

twentycentshift: are you a native texan ???

I really dont understand the objection to reading this book. I understand that some people just dont agree with homosexuality... but it kind of baffles me... I think its obsurd to not agree with the way people were born... It would be like being disgusted by a native american, or an asian, or an african american...which of course, some ignorant people are... maybe thats just what it boils down to...ignorance...

Ignorance explains the bigotry towards homosexuals more than towards particular races...because I can see how some people would be dumb enough to think that people actually choose to be gay.

Anyway... enough about the ignorant...because some of these christians arent ignorant, so lets address that. Why is being gay a sin, when we have zero control over our sexual orientation? I just dont understand that.

Why is it so wrong to have childrens books that shows diversity? This book does just that. It introduces children to same sex there are books that introduce children to different races....and books that explain that "Everybody poops"... books that explain that there are different religions...

I really dont understand. I dont think one person has given a good argument as to why this book should not be allowed to be read. I understand that homosexuality is against some peoples religion... but hey...there are plenty of things in schools that are against peoples religions that their kids are explosed to every day.

Question...have you ever seen a hasidic or orthadox jew in a public school? No, neither have I. Why? Because they are so devout that they dont want their children to be exposed to things that are against their they dont send them to public school...

This also makes me think about pastafarianism and the flying spaghetti monster. If I was to create a religion, that though it was a sin to wear red shirts... should I be able to stop the school from reading any books where the people wore read shirts??


This book is teaching these kids that gay people exist...barely even teaching that!... if anything, it will make them ask their parents a question when they see two men or two women together...then you can tell them whatever you want...this book isnt corrupting them...

damn this is frustrating... Im horrible at writing these when I actually care about what Im saying...ugh
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