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Old 05-15-2006, 10:05 AM   #1099
Will my Title ever stop changing? Oh, I guess it has now...
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 70
Smile Gregor samsa

Probably no longer relevant -but -
Gregor Samsa is a fictional character in The Metamorphosis, a novella by Franz Kafka in which Samsa tries to live his life after having been transformed into a large insect creature. He is a travelling salesman. Contrary to popular belief, the author never states that Gregor Samsa was transformed specifically into a cockroach. Samsa's last name is the author's in substitution cipher form. If the S's are replaced with K's, and the M with an F, you get Kafka. Gregor Samsa had to come to terms with the realization that he was no longer human and his life had and would change dramatically. His family was now no longer a part of him and he had to move on and accept that not only his change but the change that his family had to go through also. It was not him that had the only transition, he got to do for himself and his family had to begin supporting themselves.

Thank Liz L. For that.

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