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Old 05-17-2006, 10:48 PM   #53
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by romuh doog
Apologies for taking long to reply.

When I put "tolerate" as far as I tolerate things I mean that I am a woman working in construction. I take care of 2 disabled people and I am the sole support. I would prefer to work all day and not have someone hand a Playboy magazine across a backhoe to another and say something raw, I would prefer not to hear F this or F that or worse expletives (every other word as a form of communication), but I work in that environment so I tolerate it or walk away. I'm not there to judge, I just would prefer to not be around certain things each day. Also since I'm a woman I'm given a lot of jobs that the younger and newer men refuse to do. I also tolerate that. It's a paycheck, nothing more.

As far as tolerating things pertaining to my religion as I belive this post implies? I feel there is a time and place for everything. Work is for work, but that doesn't mean I have to leave my principals at the door. I can take them with me, I'm just not going to impune anyone with my beliefs. If I don't like what's going on? I can leave, tolerate it or say my peace and look for work elsewhere. For now? I'm staying put, it's not intolerable.

Does that 'splain it to you?
That is called a hostile work environment and is not EEOC compliant.
They need someone to 'splain that to them.
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