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Old 05-26-2006, 11:08 PM   #7
in a mood, not cupcake
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Originally Posted by goldencomfort1968
This is coming from his wife who, no matter how rough her day was at work, comes home and fixes dinner, tries to be in a good mood for him, tries to be romantic on occassion wheather I am in the mood or not, and asked about and am interested in how his day went. When was the last time myself or any other wife could expect all that from their husband. If they do the slightest little bit of housework, etc. we feel compelled to thank them and make them feel like they just conquered the world.
If any of this makes you feel resentful, don't do it. It may be easier said than done, since some women are still conditioned from childhood to do these things automatically. But if it doesn't make you happy to do them, it's not doing either of you any good.
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