Thread: Hurricane Prep
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Old 06-01-2006, 02:35 PM   #11
still eats dirt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 3,031
It's just like Christmas.

As the festive season heats up, shoppers will flood the stores in a mad dash to clear the shelves, children will gets days off from school, and travelers will clog the roads in a rush to visit distant family. Those that stay home may be awestruck at the peace that envelopes the world outside as businesses close and roads become devoid of traffic. After trimming the trees, fathers will busy themselves hanging wooden decorations that adorn every window of every home in town and entire families will break from their routines to spend time gathered ’round the television to watch an episode they swear they saw the year before. In excitement, wide-eyed children shall wait, wondering if the night will bring the sound of a visitor to the roof. Phone lines may jam with calls to loved ones, but in those moments as the excitement builds, all will take a moment to pause, to drop to their knees, to pray.

Good luck, gulf coasters.
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