Thread: Bush the doof
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Old 01-30-2001, 11:00 PM   #28
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 15
Originally posted by tw
You will not see Roe Vs Wade recinded - just made impossible by little degrees. Remember RU-486 that was banned because the extremist right wing fears any population planning by the little people. We cannot be trusted to determine how many children we will raise. RU-486 exposes the ultimate objects of these extremists as they stifle all future fetal tissue work.

We have a mindless ex-President who banned the medical research that could have avoided his mental condition. Yes - they fear anything that would involve little people controlling the quality and objectives of their families. This program will be restarted.

As for Roe vs Wade, don't be so certain. If you watch how the Supreme Court works - how Scalia effectively redirect the court with his puppy dog - what is his name - the black juror --- they only need one more Scalia type and Roe vs Wade is history.

It was a real suprise that Miranda was not overturned. Roe v Wade will not have the same protections from this court. It is endangered. I believe Scalia has more influence in the current court than even Cheif Justice Reinquest AND Scalia would quite likely be recommended by Bush Jr as the next Cheif Justice.
Who CAN be certain about the future, either way?

But I really feel that the Repubs won't seriously alter Roe V. Wade rights. It'd be sowing the seeds to their defeat and they'd be foolish not to heed that. We WILL definately see small, "symbolic" moves toward limiting abortion to appease the rightist factions in their party.

I'm not a fan of any moves here, but I wouldn't sell the farm.

Keep in mind what drives extremists. They don't compromise because they believe they have to protect everyone else from immoral concepts - using their religious definitions of morality. These are dangerous people because this extremist mindset means no dissent in their ranks.
We aren't dealing with many extremists, and the few here won't be in positions that they will act alone. In reality, the Dems could be characterized as extremists in part also, but where would that lead us?

Let's not propagate more FUD!!
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