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Old 10-17-2002, 07:57 PM   #46
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: So Cal.
Posts: 257
Originally posted by hermit22

So yes, it's the weak who must use guns to enforce his or her will -- but that's "weak" in the physical sense, not in the pejorative one you're using.
And that's my whole point. Guns offer a sense of power that no person should have the right to wield: the power of life and death over another person. So, in a theoretical world, those tools should be taken away - because, all rhetoric aside, the guns and the bullets fired from them enable the gun-related murder. Several European states were able to remove guns from the civilian population, but, unfortunately, that would never work here. In the meantime, measures to prevent misuse are the only option we have. The people who complain that their rights are being trampled on because they can't walk around downtown with the gun they just bought are simply whining, weak people. maggie, your post noted that the Beltway is one of the areas that isn't so hot on concealed weapons. Do you really want the DC police to not be able to prosecute for carrying a gun near a presidential motorcade? Or someone who sees a senator they don't like in a local bar? Legalizing the universal use of concealed weapons is directly related to such crime. There are just as many statistics to prove this as there are statistics to prove otherwise. Since statistics then, are an invalid argument, we're all building our arguments on normative analysis. As such, I'll never convince you and you'll never convince me.
blippety blah bluh blah blah

Last edited by hermit22; 10-17-2002 at 08:25 PM.
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