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Old 07-05-2006, 06:11 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Elspode
I'm sure I'm overlooking something, but isn't a North Korean ICBM just *begging* for the US to prove its missle defense technology?
Silly. The US has a paper missile defense system that means we need not waste money on schools. It is nonsense. And then what are we defending from. Only worse case speculation says that missile can reach some remote parts of Alaska. So what? Well it makes those N Korean extremists happy while Kim Jung Il desperately tries to get the world to engage N Korea - to help him get N Koreans to understand a basic fact - the world is not trying to destroy N Korea.

But here in America where Cheney still has a big penis, cold war mentality, we are even building a missile defense system that does not work AND that our best experts say cannot work.

More big penis reasoning by leaders who see enemies everywhere.
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