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Old 07-10-2006, 10:51 AM   #300
tri-continental dag hag
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 247
Had no problems with my blood, Jebediah, (and I was a regular blood donor) until I began sweating about 10 years ago. A few years AFTER that started I became slightly anaemic. I have a constant battle keeping my iron up. I've also developed a mysterious bleeding disorder - almost bled to death twice, after two minor day surgery ops, and am seeing Melbourne's top haematologist, who, two years down the line still has no idea what it is. All tests come out normal. It's not ALL bleeding, just these two ops and WHOOOOOSH! I exploded blood all over an emergency room at one point. Quite spectacular.
you're never too old to have a happy childhood
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