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Old 10-22-2002, 01:46 PM   #97
still says videotape
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Originally posted by Xugumad
Fine distractionary tactic, too. Instead of the thread's title of 'how to get the sniper', where general firearm ownership would have done very little, the subject is being diverted to matters of principle. Very well and good, but how exactly are more liberal gun laws in the US vs. Britain preventing a criminal or insane individual from using his probably legal firearm to kill a large number of people?

The illusion of safety that firearms provide is all good and nice, right until the moment when somebody shatters is. Which is exactly what the sniper is doing. Period.
I assume that the nut hides himself well so a hail of return fire is unlikely, however, its made more unlikely by the supresion of carry rights in the involved region.

The illusion of safety that government provides is all good and nice, right until the moment when somebody shatters is. Which is exactly what the sniper is doing. Period.
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- Louis D. Brandeis
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