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Old 07-28-2006, 10:57 PM   #25
Vice-President of Resentment
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 196
Originally Posted by Pie
My cat plays fetch with my hair bands. She'll steal them off my nightstand, too. I buy a pack of 30, and they're gone in a month. She must drop them off in the same place missing socks go...
Seriously - I have the exact same problem. And they are normally under the couch and/or under the bed, nightstand or whatever little area that I'm not gonna crawl under. The other thing that one of my girls does (Peach) is that I have these little stuffed bears that my mom made for me when I was a little girl and she had knitted little sweaters for the dolls - the cat carry's them around the house like her babies (she was fixed before she had any) and I come home and I find either a pile of them in the cat bed or on my bed or just randomly scattered around the house. Also - something Peach does - she is my snooze button - I hit my snooze button after the alarm goes off and all of a sudden I have a cat in my face meowing until the snooze button goes off again. Makes missing my alarm rather difficult. My other girl Boo-Boo thinks she's a dog - she fetches and retreives and she's trained on a leash to go on walks.
Mistress of all that is claim related.
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