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Old 08-12-2006, 10:04 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by 9th Engineer
Although they don't all have the same objectives, these groups often supply each other with weapons, shelter, or inteligence. Hez may not be making plans to launch rockets against the UK or US once they're done with Israel(I'm sure they'd take the chance) but I'm sure they would continue to use their influence to help other Islamic groups who are. Each one we wipe out is progress.
Embarrassing that a 'big dic' attitude would proclaim a blanket 'they are all evil' attitude. Many Islamic groups do (or at least did) talk to Americans. Many openly define who is a valid target and who is off limits or more of a friend. Once Americans could even walk into the Bekaa Valley as Israeli warplanes attacked Syrian troops; and be welcome as friends. Of course you knew that before assuming they are all evil? Apparently not.

Amazes me how many now see enemies everywhere. Amazes me how many do as UT does - automatically label Israel as the good guys and Islamic or Arabic organizations automatically evil. It really would help for so many to first learn the region.

Extremists among us routinely define Hezbollah as something equivalent to bin Laden. Those without any knowledge parrot that brainwashing.

Who was welcoming Israelis into Lebanon with flowers and rice when Sharon (illegally) attacked even Beirut? (*) Do you remember? And if not, then how do you know who is good and evil?

Those same people who welcomed the Israeli army with flowers and rice became Hezbollah because of what the Israeli army then did to those people. Hezbollah stands as defenders of Lebanon; was created as a result of continued Israeli assaults on Lebanese Shia. Hezbollah has no interest in attacking the US. Did you first learn facts and details; not the propaganda that, for example, UT routinely proclaims.

You know the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas? (*) You better long before any opinions are formed. Especially now that George Jr - champion of the mental midget - proclaims enemies everywhere. Hamas and Hezbollah are completely different. Do you know why? (*)

Hamas also has rules about not harming Americans. How can this be when Syria and Iran finance these organizations? Guess what. UT routinely uses the Rush Limbaugh 'simplistic' logic to hype good and evil. But then such Rush Limbaugh logic works when some fail to first learn details such as history.

Learn who they are long before making these blanket assumptions. Asked were some questions above - followed by (*). If you got any answer wrong - and this was real basic stuff - then you have not clue about the Middle East. If you got even those most basic questions wrong, then you are fodder for George Jr brainwashing about enemies everywhere.

And then it gets so much more complicated. My longer posts hardly scratched the surface. And yet every detail in those longer posts should be common knowledge if you have enough information to make assumptions about who is good and who is evil.

Did your eyes glaze over because you had already decided who is good and who is evil? Or are you easily recruited to the dark side - Cheney Doctrine - because learning facts is too hard; because it is so much easier to jump to conclusions. There is little difference between George Jr and the Emperor in Star Wars - except that the emperor knew how the universe actually works and was not told his agenda by Dick Cheney.

Get a grip. If you think for one minute that Hezbollah is your enemy, then so are the people of Europe, Japan, China, Russia, India .... Remember the principles upon which our current government operates. If necessary, we should be prepared to attack Germany, India, or Russia. Why do you worry about Hezbollah?

Did you eyes glaze over even with this short response? Then how do you expect to know who is good and who is bad. This was the executive summary of the abridged report after government censors editted it. And yet it is too complex? Welcome to the Middle East - where once Americans were warmly welcomed even in Syrian dominated Bekaa Valley. Again, why did you not know this?
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