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Old 07-23-2001, 09:16 AM   #9
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: West Chester
Posts: 1,367
It was in the fourth or fifth grade. A friend and I were way ahead of our classmates in math class, so we were whisked off to the new "computer room" a couple of days a week at our elementary school.

The systems were Commodore PETs. We played with some learn-BASIC applications, wrote some very fundamental games, and learned how you could make the system do some very weird things through random POKE statements.

The gifted-program labs had TRS-80s, with an IMSAI in the corner gathering dust.

First computer of my very own: Apple IIc, circa 1986, which was my main computer until after college. I picked up a used IIgs around '94 (used mostly for the Internet), a Packard Bell (pause for laughter) Pentium-75 a year or so later, and upgraded to an Athlon 1300 last week.
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