Thread: The List
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Old 08-23-2006, 08:19 AM   #5
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Here's mine for the record. Not that I'm not a people person or anything.

1. You live in a city. You have heard random city-noises before. Just because the bin-men have toppled a wheelie bin while trying to empty it into the bin lorry it does not mean you have to turn and stare. Ok, once maybe, but don't keep checking over your shoulder every five steps to check on the progress. When you do, you slow down and that means I have to keep stopping. You're already commiting the ultimate sin of Getting In My Way, stop compounding it with your meerkat looky-loo impression before I have to tut at you very loudly. Or go and live in a village. Idiot.

2. Don't stand on the pavement outside Marks & Spencers, holding hands while you say your goodbyes. You are blocking off TWO doorways, and the pensioners who want to go in and buy expensive ready meals and complain about how they have no money are forced to wash around you. You have taken what I thought was the ultimate sin of GETTING IN MY WAY and multiplied it by showing off the fact you are having more sex than me.

3. You are standing on the wrong side of the bus stop. You've ambled up casually and are now standing at the head of the queue. Think about it numbskull - people don't queue with their backs to the traffic, or they would not be able to see the bus coming. Don't assume you can amble onto the bus in the same way - I know I was here first. If you try to take the seat I wanted I will be forced to take petty revenge.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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