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Old 07-26-2001, 09:03 AM   #5
Cantankerous Incantonator
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Boston
Posts: 56
Most people like tax cuts. On the other hand, most people aren't able to point out federal programs that they think should be dramatically reduced or eliminated. ("[Al Gore] want[s] the federal government to control Social Security like it's some kind of federal program." --George W. Bush)

$300 is a token gesture. His taxcuts, rightly or wrongly aimed at the wealthy, will make it difficult to keep a balance budget and fund things we as a nation find important. Combined with his insistence on an unworkable anti-missile plan (which ain't gonna do us no good against the suitcase nuke or biological agent that's a much more likely threat) ticks off our allies and potential rivals alike, makes the world a more dangerous place overall, and will cost bajillions we won't have, what with the tax cut and all.

Bush has disappointed me in so many ways. His appointments seem to reflect a belief that he has a huge mandate, even though more people nationwide voted for Gore. He's into severe, low- or zero-tolerance drug penalties, despite his own "youth indescretions" (And by the federal scholarship standards , his silence on his past drug use counts as a yes-- what a cowardly hypocrite!) His waffling on stem cell research, hugely popular nation wide, even with many "pro-lifers", may cost public health in ways we won't be able to calculate.

On my website I posted a New Yorker quiz: which headline didn't showup during the first 100 days of the Bush administration. It's pretty telling.
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