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Old 11-11-2002, 11:33 PM   #65
Romantic Necromancer
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 29
Question Closeted or 'OUT'

Maggie and everyone else that would like to know:

I have no idea what the hell that means I never have. I mean are you asking if I go up to everyone an say 'Hi, I am Phil and I am a homosexual' well then the answer would be NO. Why would you do that. I mean you can be who you are without announcing it with flags waving.

Now, if you are asking if people know that I am gay. Well that would depend on how much intelligence they have. I always announce my partner as my partner and I make no bones about having a one bedroom house and have two grown men living there. If someone asks me if I am gay of course my answer would be yes, as I do not make it a regular habit to be a liar.

There are a lot of things about me people don't know. Do some people at work know, yes? Do they all know? Hell no, do you go to work and announce the sexual positions you use. You may to some to others it is of no consequence. Why do some people feel that they have to announce being gay. To be quite frank, most people do not deserve to know that much about me. Do you feel you have to tell everyone your sexual preference? I mean are you OUT as a heterosexual and if you say yes how do you know? I mean do you make it a point to say hey I am MaggieL and like to blow guys or girls. Why does ones life have to be based on the sex they have? Really people say, be colorblind and racism will fade, don’t mind what sexual preference people are and hatred will go away. If we are all supposed to be so integrated why is everyone trying to divide everything? I mean if you are truly color blind why say I am white, or I am black? If you have no problem with sexual preference then why do you have to say I am gay or straight?

I guess it is just my philosophy on life you see when I see people I tend to think more than what color, what sex, what sexual preference, or what nationality they are . I tend to not care.

So am I out? Well MaggieL I guess I just don’t thing you earned the right to know.

BTW what the HELL? Why do they have to worry about looking 'normal' are they abnormal in some way? I guess they think they are or else why invent a seperated set of games, and if you are going to ask if a man dressing in women's clothing is normal well let me take the bigoted approach and say "NO" is is not normal and Yes, there are are a set of stanards we live by.
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