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Old 09-11-2006, 08:44 PM   #75
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mrnoodle
Asserting yourself in this way is a masculine thing to do. "I called her on it" is most definitely a male concept. The female version is "I asked her to please respect my feelings."

Men who have had "therapy" inflicted upon them can easily be identified by their claim that there is no difference between masculinity and femininity.

Shopping's fine, btw. I was just using it as the archetypical "girl" activity, like football is the "guy" thing. I happen to hate watching sports on TV, and can't even feign interest when people talk about them. That's not the point. The activity's boyishness or girlishness isn't defined by the activity itself, it's defined by how the people act while doing it, and the attitudes and moods they display.

You don't need a degree in psychology to tell when someone is acting like a girl/boy. Unfortunately, we've had enough "therapy" rammed down our throats in the last 40 years or so to make us feel guilty for noticing the difference. Women's magazines would have us believe that the ideal man is psychologically female, but able to move heavy objects.

I call BS. We think we're so enlightened -- we make fun of girls for being too frilly, make fun of guys for being too testosterone-filled, but at the end of the day, those very traits are what keep most of us interested in the other side.

(Your dad might collect lace doilies, and your mom might swing a sledgehammer at the construction site. Yay for them. I'm talking about generalities.)
The therapy thing was not meant to be taken litterally... it was meant to mean they are in denial.
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