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Old 09-23-2006, 10:10 PM   #13
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: In fear and degradation.
Posts: 39
I was in one. The Melbourne shot, which was apparently the largest turn out he'd ever had. For and half thousand, I think. (Just confirmed that, over 4.5 thou. Beaten by 7,000 in Barcelona, 2003. Well, that's Spain for you. I mean, think of the tomatoes!) But back to being nude amongst thousands at 4am in rainy Melbourne.
It was a fuggin' incredible experience!
Everybody was naked, everybody was different, there were fat people, hairy people, tattooed people, no one oggled anyone or did naughty stuff. That many people standing naked in a group generated an extraordinary warmth, and as we were directed to different areas and accidentally brushed up up against each other nobody freaked about being touched. And naked people are soft! It was all very... pure. Innocent, even. When it was time to get dressed everyone just spontaneously turned around and hugged the people near them, cheering.
I don't think much of the 'artworks' themselves, but I wouldn't have missed the experience for the world. It was one of the nicest things I've ever done.
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