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Old 11-17-2002, 12:07 PM   #94
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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For example, at least from their point of view, you are not leaving them alone. You sent your infidel army to occupy their holy land. You help keep the oppressors of their people in power. You help infidels occupy their second holiest city.

How, then, would you explain why all the other people of the world aren't equally as bloodthirsty?

The US has treated Central America with the same stick of supporting specific politics, sometimes awful politics, and many there are really ticked off. But they aren't trying to work out how to gas us.

Same with South America. A college friend of mine was from Uruguay, and he hated America with a deep passion. The US kinda played tetherball with the USSR, using his country for the ball. But he wasn't looking to ram airliners into buildings; instead, he went to the US for an education.

Meanwhile, France and Bali/Australia are fair game; what did they do to earn their status as targets?

This begs the question: what if we study why they want to kill us and we get it wrong? Or: what if we study it and find that we can't figure it out? Or, kinda my original question: what if we study it, and learn that it is actually based on irrational hatred coming from religious fervor for which there is no rational response?
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