Thread: Another Fight
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Old 09-26-2006, 07:02 PM   #4
Back and ready to tart up the place
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kansas
Posts: 850
You are only a junior in high school? You are still very young yet to be making lifelong decisions. I tried the bisexuality thing when I was your age (I'm 22, so not much older now). How do you feel about your sexuality? Are you sure that you are where you want to be with it? There is still plenty of time for you to figure all that out with yourself. I never "came out" to my family because I didn't think it was any of their business. Most of my friends knew because my girlfriend went to school with me and they saw us together. Some of my friends from other schools didn't know, but if they asked I would be honest.

As of right now my attraction to women is partly physical. I couldn't be happy living with just a woman, I need a man in my life. When I am with a woman it is a friend I have known for years and it is more of an extension of our relationship then just for the sex. I have a very unique relationship with my sexuality, at least from what I have seen of others.

I think you might need more time to figure out exactly what you feel about your sexuality. She should understand that and respect it.
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