Thread: Another Fight
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Old 09-26-2006, 08:31 PM   #6
Voix de Vérité
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: at the bottom of the sea
Posts: 59
We haven't gotten into anything sexual yet besides a little heavy kissing. We talked about it and decided that's as far as we wanted to go as long as we were in high school.
But I'm pretty comfortable with my sexuality as far as this goes... For me who I'm attracted to isn't as much a function of gender as it is their personality. And to me, my girlfriend is amazing. The reason I don't want to come out isn't because I'm not sure or anything. It's just I don't want to deal with all the issues my friends/family will have.

Basically the issue comes down to the fact that she thinks we're hiding the relationship, and we are, but I don't think it's that big of a deal.

Grah. I don't know. I just kind of need to vent about this, and this is one of the few places I can.

~les beaux esprits se rencontrent~
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