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Old 10-01-2006, 09:40 PM   #84
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
If all thats true....I'm so screwed!!

A conversation at the local pub on Saturday nite (there were only 3 girls in the pub, my bestest and myself being 2 of them)....I walked away wondering why its soooo hard for guys to believe that girls sometimes just want to get laid, they arent always looking for the one, to fall in love etc etc and why is it sooo bad??

I just dont get why having sex with whomever and whenever one wants is a bad thing? long as its done safely and neither party are disillusioned with whats exactly happened.

Anyone who knows me for more than 15 minutes knows I'm a sexual being, I dont bother with the whole *pure n innocent* charade as it just doesnt sit.

You either fall for me the way I am...or buh-bye!! Except for that rather strange experience I mentioned last weekend - I've never had any problems, have been in love, have had my heart broken, havent had commitment problems and havent been labelled a slut

I just think this whole thing takes on a different perspective as you get older, there's less mucking around and game playing.
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