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Old 10-03-2006, 03:22 PM   #111
Posts: n/a
Sundae Girl,

Your rebuttal, which I loosely call, is exactly the rationalization that takes place once the milk get spilled.

Your premises are: Guys do it so why don't we. If it feels good then do it. Why take responsibility for your actions if your can rationalize it away.

Your cause and effect explanation isn't wrong so to speak but off target. ONE of the points being made was the lack of emotional investment by women that have had multiple partners. The betrayal in thoughts is as real as in the body. “Backdating?”

"But the idea that I've spoiled myself for apples by eating an orange just doesn't make logical sense to me."

Huh! What is this have to do with emotional bonding? You know the thing that irks you.

As for choosing a virgin over a "player." Using part of your questionable analogy, why buy an apple with worms when you can get fresh one off the tree. Quality counts in every purchase or investment, and money and looks have nothing to do with emotional quality. Are you going to rationalize away the obvious now? If your “friends” say it doesn’t matter then they are poor judges of what really matters in life.

For the men around you that you assume have had more than one lover, its irrelevant. You should reread my past post. Men do not have the sexual advantages of women! That’s why men who are successful bedding women are considered by some in our society as successful. I don’t think a man that presents himself as a possible long term mate then humps and dumps is a successful or moral man. But mans sexual success is base entirely on effort, where as women’s is a matter of choosing to say yes or no. WOMEN CHOOSE AND MEN WAIT TO BE CHOOSEN.

There is no double standard and sexual “freedom” isn’t free. My understanding of women’s liberation was about careers out side the home not about pulling there pants down and using false comparisons to justify it.

This string is about a women sexual history. It does matter for all the reasons I stated and to date other than opinions and kowtow from posters I haven’t seen or read one single rational or reasonable refutation.
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