Thread: Poindexter?
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Old 11-21-2002, 11:01 PM   #36
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: U.S.A.
Posts: 91
Hi Nic Name,
Sorry for the delayed response....had to sleep and work.
I never said public information would have judicial boundries, why would it? I can access public information without a Judges approval.
Private information will not be in the database at all. Example: Banking information is private, if the Feds wish to look at your bank accounts, they will have to go to a Judge with evidence or probable cause. Just as they do now...are you implying that the Judges and procedure we follow right now are unconstitutional or cow-tow to the Agencies? See? Nothing will be changed with regards to private information, but everything will be changed with regards to public information.
Example: Professor Sami Al Arian, the old separate databases couldn't track and recognize him until after they had his name, with the streamlined one database flag system he would have been recognized before they knew of him, and a Judges order could have tracked him to other terrorists.
As for Padilla? I know he's not on our streets making and planting dirty bombs!

The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the World that he didn't exist.
Keyser Soze
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