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Old 10-12-2006, 02:20 PM   #13
barefoot serpent
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lawrence, KS
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Originally Posted by mrnoodle
I love going to Taos and Santa Fe. If for some reason there was a natural disaster there, we would lose 90% of the world's supply of dreamcatchers, kokopellis, and bolo ties. And about half the lowriders outside of L.A. It's a weird mix of peeps. Between the people who think they were deposited there by spaceship, the white people who think they're Indians, the remnants of the Spaniards, the Mexicans, and the real Indians, it has to be one of the strangest locations on earth. You can buy a $10,000 painting, a Shard of the True Cross (TM), a crack rock, and a meteorite within a mile of each other.
you left out obtaining a piece of Trinitite.
Chooses rowing vs. wading
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