Thread: Haunted Houses
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Old 10-17-2006, 10:57 AM   #9
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
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Originally Posted by mrnoodle
I've yet to go through a haunted house that actually scared me. I've had them raise my blood pressure and get me tense, waiting for the next goon to go "blearghhgh". But without fail, all they make me feel is the urge to punch the monsters in the mouth (not that I could cause any physical harm, what with the arthritis and all). It feels weird being herded through there though.

I would get a lot more scared if the place was empty and people weren't screaming, and they only had someone jump out on random occasions -- like once a week. Empty haunted houses are creepy.

You just reminded me why I stopped going after the age of 16! All the screaming and yelling. The tenseness. It is all comming back to me now.

It WOULD be very cool to be alone in one of those places with just the hint of someone there but not being annoying and over dramatic.
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